Tuesday, March 11, 2008

March 11, 2008

Whew, that took forever!  With Spring in the air, tons new folks have become active on Ft2Garden.com.  It took me almost two hours to get through all the posts!  That's incredible! I didn't even get a chance to check out GardenWeb.

It's almost bed time and I still need to pack.  I'm heading out of town for the rest of the week.  That means my garden will be at the mercy of Mother Nature while I'm away.  I doubt my wife would even go out to see if anything sprouted.  Thankfully it's expected to rain Thursday and Friday.  It's rained today, but I'll run out and hit it with the hose before work tomorrow.

Since I won't be home to water under my carrot plank, I removed it this evening.  I think water is more important than protection.  I expect big things when I get back!  I'll take pictures if there's anything to show Saturday.

Keep up the gardening and keep posting. I hope to be burried in posts when I get back!

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