Anyway, I felt compelled to post tonight so I'm back. I promise to try to squeeze in a post as often as I've got something to say. This is the time where there is not much happening in the garden. My tomatoes have all succumed to blight or whatever, as did my cantaloupe.

Unfortunately the Minnesota Midget Cantaloupe never got beyond baseball size. I know they're supposed to be small, but not THAT small. So now I've got two seasons of growing those under my belt and have come to the conclusion that they just don't work in my climate. I know others have made it work, but I'm guessing it's in a greenhouse. Last year I planted late and they never got beyond golf ball size. This year I had them in my container ASAP after the last frost date and look at the results. It's just not hot enough for them to mature in their 57 day window.
Thankfully I've got two tomato plants that may still have a shot. One was a volunteer and the other was a sucker transplant.

This volunteer basically took over the carrot section and the isle... I ran out of tomato cages. It's got some great looking tomatoes on it, but they're still green. I may have to pull them and let them redden inside. It worked last year so I'm hopeful if it comes to that.
I hope you're late summer garden looks better than mine!