Hey folks, sorry I haven't been posting for a while. Work has been in panic mode with this economy. That and Fall has made it so I leave in the dark and get home in the dark.
That said, I took the time yesterday to gut the garden a bit. There were tomato plants everywhere that went to Cedar Grove rather than my compost bin. I don't want to continue the Blossom End Rot that I had in droves this year. They've got a much more sophisticated composting system than I do.
As for my fall crops, about the only things to survive and thrive were the carrots. It looks like I've got a good amount for snacks all winter, if the raccoons keep away from them. Let's hope the deterrents work when it gets colder.
What didn't work was the broccoli and cauliflower. I really need to start them indoors in June or whatever so they're hardened off and growing strong in late summer. My biggest plant is good sized, but shredded by some pest. There is no way a stalk is going to form in this weather.
Speaking of weather, it's storm time here in Western Washington. Thunder, lightening and down pouring rain is par for the course. There's nothing to protect but the carrots, so I didn't put up my hoop covers this year.
In addition to clean-up, I harvested my potatoes. I know folks are curious how they turned out. Well, the Yukon Golds that I threw into my SFGs did great. I got 22 pounds out of it. Some were very nice. They're currently drying in the garage on some newspapers. The kids were a big help with that.
Unfortunately the BAYG potato bins failed even worse than I thought they would. You may recall that I gave up on building them up in August when my schedule got hectic and I couldn't keep up with it. I just let them grow and was going to be happy with about 1.5 feet of potatoes. Well, I dug and dug yesterday and found one lousy potato. There were probably a few more smaller ones that I destroyed with a shovel I used at the end when I couldn't find anything. You're really not supposed to use a shovel.
I'm not totally convinced that potato bins are a bad idea, but I just don't have the time to baby the bins. Maybe I'll try it next year. Not sure. I don't have the room to plant rows every year. At least we've got 22 pounds of Yukon Golds! Can't wait to try them.
Hope your fall gardens are more productive than mine.
Enjoy your garden!