Friday, January 23, 2009

January 23, 2009

I wanted to post my to-do list for the weekend yesterday, but the evening got away from me.  Now I'm thinking about all I'd like to do in the garden or for the garden this weekend, but alas, I am fearful that the weekend will do the same.  So I get to list my wish list.  

I'd really like to find the components for my SWCs at a reasonable price.  I mean, I got my Rubbermaid bins for cheap last year, but they don't seem to exist anymore.  Now all Rubbermaid sells is the $9 Roughneck model.  Now I realize that Raybo uses them exclusively, and they're tough, sure.  But mine works awesome.  It's all I need.  Well, maybe for the 30 gallon one I would go heavier grade because even that is improssible to empty the big ones at the end of the season.  Note to Raybo, make a video of THAT! 

I also need to buy the lights and some wood to finish my light system.  On that note, I am really leaning toward the soil block maker as a long-term investment.  But so close after the Christmas bills, ouch, hehe.

And of course my hoop covers won't fix themselves.  But what can you do.

Instead, I'm going to Beauty and the Beast (again) with my SFG muse and good friends, and then on Sunday I'm watching 4 kids run around our house while my wife and our preschool friends go acquiring for the annual auction.  As fun as that is, I'm not sure I'll get anything done, hehe.

On a garden note, you know how I said nothing survived from the garden?  Well I was supposed to surprise you shortly after my last garden tour, but I got busy.  So here is what I managed to salvage for my son.

I pulled about a half dozen in total baby carrots.  My son was very pleased.  So not all was lost this winter.  And I definitely think I'll be tucking carrots into every nook and cranny in the yard for my son.  He could eat a carrot a day, and then there's the rest of the family.

I also didn't share this shot of the blank canvas where I've got to cram two Build-As-You-Grow Bins, my cantaloupe bin and maybe a tomato SWC. 

I'm thinking that I could use the BAYG Bins as bookends for a trellis for my cantaloupe and tomatoes.  Doesn't that sound nice?  And this year will be the first year I let a few apples grow on that tree in the middle.  Last year I plucked off the apples before they got bigger than cherries so the tree would grow big and strong.  Didn't happen, so forget it.  This year I'll allow a few apples per branch to mature and cover them with plastic bags.  I have no idea how the coupling moths found my little tree last year, but they did.

So anyway, I sure hope you're exicted about spring and are busy getting ready for it!

Enjoy your garden.


  1. The 31 gallon bins are $15 each, and for my 6 swc's, that's around $300 total - counting cages and everything. Ouch! I think the trellis idea will work, with enough weight in the bins. As you might imagine, a busy weekend is gonna go down around here, too. I really admire you for spending quality time with your little ones, and keeping them interested in gardening. Just don't give them an ipod, or gameboy! Heh.


  2. tomatofest seeds came in today. I'm sending your sunset red horizon out monday morning. :)

    I'm curious what type of wood did you use for the SFG beds ( was reading your step by step) I'm tempted to make raised beds for the one flatish area I have to use...but its a cost issue....

  3. I just KNEW you had some carrots hiding in the soil waiting to be harvested. :)

    I hope you manage to do many (if not all) of your garden task list this weekend - but my greater hope is that you have a great day with your boys.

  4. SNOW here south of you, waaah!!!
    Keep your eyes open for container sales. I'm guessing you'll find some cheap after prominent holidays like Easter/Christmas/Fall. I found eight Christmas rubbermaids (29 gall, not 31...) for $5 each at Walmart. Walmart typically has the small ones for $5 each. My hubby wants me to stop buying more swc's until I'm sure I like them.

  5. Your carrots are great! I just dug some of mine and they are very short -- but absolutely sweet and delicious. I also have parsnips and beets that have been quite happy under the snow. We are still eating our own squash (fresh) and beans, peas and raspberries from the freezer. We had more snow today, but just a dusting.
