Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2008

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  I took a lazy day on Sunday and played with the kids inside.  The weather was not good all weekend so I didn't make it out to the garden even to take pictures. 

However, next chance I get, DoubleD suggested that I prune back the dead leaves of my spinach (and I'll do the lettuce also) to give the new growth a chance to grow.  I think I could have some decent growth since the weather's been around 50 during the day and in the upper 40s at night. 

My real reason for posting tonight is I made my decisions on my tomatoes.  I planted two slicers last year and they did great in my one SWC.  This year, I'll make two more to plant a total of 6 tomato plants.  They'll be the ones I was debating over.  Yellow Pear and Black Cherry in one, Bloody Butcher and Sunset Red Horizon in another, and Legend and Heinz in the third.  I'd love to plant another cherry variety that I hope to get in trade, so I may drop the Legend if my brother's doing that one and plant a third cherry.  Insane I know, but I love salads, and this year I vow to get the succesion plantings right so I can have lettuce all year round.

Ok, now I'm frustrated. As great as Tomatofest seems to be (folks like it and it's heirloom, so sounds good to me), why they need a $15 minimum order is beyond me.  Even robbing my entire order from Territorial and switching it to Tomatofest doesn't get me to $15.  Grrr.  Maybe I'll call and they'll let me donate the rest. hehe  I've been searching their site for a Heinz alternative for cool season areas.  I'm not married to Heinz.  I just want a good paste tomato that's good for here.  Hrumpf.

Changing the subject, you know I just LOVE getting comments, and for some reason I'm writing about them.  Last time it was from a co-op and seed company owner, today it was from a local gardener.  Very local.  Seems Moondancer and Bear live about 20 miles away near the city of Snohomish (I live in south Snohomish County).  What's more, they have spent the season beating me at my own game.  Read their post from the 10th.  They did everything I did, but bigger and better.  How cool is that!?!  They're eating potatoes like mad from BAYG bins, they planted 28 tomatos, mostly in SWCs, they've got raised beds galore.  They're me on acreage, hehe.  What's more, they've got chickens and goats.  I'm not sure that's a dream come true, but darn close!

Now, to answer Carolyn's question that she posted while I write.  Uprising Seeds can be found on the web at If I'm ever up that way I'll be sure to stop by.

Well, back to checking out Tomatofest.

Enjoy your garden, and feel free to tell me just how lousy or funny my blog is, or whatever.


  1. After you have trimmed and cleaned up those spinach plants - harvest and use some of them too! Judging by their looks in the pictures you have posted - those plants are mature and are not going to get better with age - rather they are likely to bolt to seed if you don't use them before the daylength starts increasing.

    Sounds like a nice mix of tomatoes. Be warned though - cherry tomatoes are like zuchinni plants - one is usually more than plenty since they are over achievers in the food production world! There are only so many salads and snacking one can do - and they are a pain to try and sauce or can (due to their size) when you are faced with monumental surpluses.

  2. I think I have just the blog for you. Ottawa Gardener just did a post to trade tomato seed and has all sorts of shorter season tomatoes available. As the name implies the blogger is in Ottawa, Canada and they can only grow shorter season tomatoes there as well so it should be a great match for you.

  3. Forgot to add that it is cool that you are trying 'Sunset Red Horizon.' I am going to grow the other short season 'Siletz' one I recommended. We can cross reference and see what one is the best.

  4. I can't remember if you've mentioned growing them in the past or not, but have you thought about trying San Marzanos? They're an excellent paste tomato! And very prolific to boot. I grow them every year especially to make spaghetti sauce to freeze and get us through the winter. They have an excellent flavor to boot! And if I can grow them with no prob in Upstate NY, they should be easy as pie for you.

  5. Our snow finally went a few days ago, and when I went out to the garden, my Swiss Chard was bright green and growning new leaves. This was planted 2 years ago! Have you thought of trying something like this for winter greens? I chopped garlic, sauteed it in a little olive oil for 30 secs, added washed greens with 1/2 c water covered and simmered for 3 mins. Delicious! Doubt your kids would like it though....And yes, I check your blog periodically and like it very much.
