Thursday, June 11, 2009

June 11, 2009

Let this be a lesson to all the potato bin gardeners out there.  Constant vigillence.  They grow fast in those hot summer days, and you've got to keep up with it. 

Alas, I have not been able to.  For many reasons I haven't had the time to do it and now I know it's far too late.  Any hilling I did now would just create dead, barren stems and not roots that grow potatoes.  So I've got two boards on one and three boards on another, and that's it.  If I'm lucky I'll get 30 pounds between them.  The good news is that doing nothing with the ones in my SFG beds is exactly what I am supposed to do. 

So, this year's potato bins are a bust.  Next year will be better because I won't have a standing committment every weekend, and thus, will have the time and energy to do the bins justice.

One thing I'll definitely change is to install the back wall against the fence before I plant like Dan did.  It is a really good idea since it is hard to get a screw gun back there.

Otherwise, the garden is growing. I haven't had time to do anything but water. If there were weeds they'd probably remain there as the mushrooms have, but there aren't any weeds to speak of.  And none of the other plants around that cut one have shown any signs of distress so I'm thinking it's not root whatevers.  That's good news.

Oh, and the bees.  I found two in the laundry room under where the nest is.  It's possible they flew in through the open door on the other side of the room, but I'm going to keep an eye out.  If they get in my house, the deal's off and they go bye bye.  My wife won't stand for it.

Well, short post tonight, I've got tons to do and the kids have been missing their daddy.  Take care all and enjoy your garden!


  1. I bet you get a fairly decent harvest - even if it is not maximizing the potential of the bin's production capabilities.

    I think you are doing an amazing job at keeping your garden moving forward despite all your external time commitments. It's probably a welcome retreat when you do eventually get a few moments at home.

  2. Sorry you don't have time for your garden. Ever thought about tending to it at night? Just a thought.

  3. Do the bees have an actual nest? Where?

    Thanks for the reminder to stay on top of those potatoes. They aren't deep enough at all yet -- I'll do it this weekend, even though we haven't had warm growing weather yet.

  4. Yuck. I hate to hear about the potato bin. I know your garden is your baby, but what about having a neighborhood kid come around and water or bug catch etc. while you don't have time. You may inspire him/her to build one themselves one day.

    Don't give up. Things will get lighter soon.

  5. well, if you don't get the crop of potatoes you hoped for, you can be grateful you spent that time on more important things. you were helping your family, right? i think that's awesome!

  6. Wow, so the stems can rot on the potatoes as well? Maybe that was the problem I had. I guess practice will make perfect with the potatoes. Last time I checked in with you, I thought I wasn't covering them up quick enough - then I really covered them and they are no longer. I guess there is a happy medium there I'll have to perfect.

  7. A potato suggestion: Why don't you check and see if you have new potatoes now (wiggle your fingers into the soil) and if you do, harvest them, boil them with a sprig of mint, slather with butter and you'll have the best meal you can imagine. Then, start your bins over. I bet you've got lots of time to start more potatoes and get a good crop. We've had one meal of new potatoes from our garden already.

  8. Sounds like you need some time on EGs deck.


  9. I'd just fill it up when you can find time. Who knows if it makes any difference when it is done right. I just did a little more filling this evening, they sure can grow fast.

  10. Would it be possible for you to explain what you mean when you write "Any hilling I did now would just create dead, barren stems and not roots that grow potatoes. "? Do new roots develop only from the soft new growth of the plant and not from further down the stems? On my bin, I worry that too much hilling would reduce the strength of the plant by reducing the amount of leaves above the surface that manufacture the food for the plant. But maybe I am missing something.......

